(760) 945-4189

Thinking Straight III Part Two

Published on Jul 26 by Daniel Guidera under Dentistry

This is a short blog but I’ve been looking forward to it because I find this topic amusing. 

Sometimes I’ll tell someone, in no uncertain terms, that a procedure needs to be done.

Then I hear “I don’t think I’m going to do anything, it doesn’t hurt.”

My usual response is “If you wait ‘til it hurts you’ve waited too long.”

As I said in my last article, waiting in dentistry can also mean more cost.

Photo: Derrick Coetzee

Photo: Derrick Coetzee

You know how I love teeth and car analogies. Waiting ‘til your tooth hurts is like waiting to change your oil because the engine still runs. It’s like leaving your bald tires because they’re not flat. It’s like not changing your 60 month car battery after six years because the engine still starts.

Oops, I’ve done that.

Read Other Articles in This Series

Thinking Straight III

Thinking Straight II

Thinking Straight I

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